Four Old Guys, oil on masonite, 70 x 48”, 1988
Detail. Four Old Guys
Detail. Four Old Guys
Harry – In His Own Words, mixed materials in masonite, 48 x 48”, 1989
Detail: Harry – In His Own Words
Threshold (Ava), oil, clay and wood on masonite, 48 x 70”, 1990
Detail: Threshold (Ava)
Detail: Threshold (Ava)
Detail: Threshold (Ava)
Portrait of Paula, mixed materials on masonite, 48 x 56”, 1990
Detail: Portrait of Paula
Detail: Portrait of Paula
Asia, oil, clay, fabric, collage on masonite, 50 x 64”, 1991
Detail: Asia
Detail: Asia
Justine, mixed materials (including rubber, dirt, ferns, birch bark) on masonite, 48 x 72”, 1992
Detail: Justine
Detail: Justine
The Honourable Tery Vyse, mixed materials (including moose hide, porcupine quills,
coke can, birch bark, acrylic modeling paste etc.) on masonite, 80 x 83”, 1992
Detail: The Honourable Tery Vyse
Detail: The Honourable Tery Vyse
Detail: The Honourable Tery Vyse
Detail: The Honourable Tery Vyse
Eva, mixed materials on masonite, approx. 48 x 48”, 1996
Detail: Eva
Detail: Eva
Farisha, mixed materials (including plastic, fabrics, metal, artificial flowers) on masonite, approx. 48 x 48”, 1999
Detail: Farisha
Detail: Farisha
Detail: Farisha
Detail: Farisha