Valerie MacIntosh

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This painting features a traditional styled Chinese landscape, with the addition of modern factory workers and skyscrapers behind the mountains, and a Pop style head with speech bubble layered on the right.

Really?, oil, acrylic and paper on board, 40 x 50”, 2016


When you first look at this painting, you think, “Oh, what a lovely scene!” But on a second look, you notice that that is a REALLY big wave, and wait - those buildings are cracking and falling down! And there are people falling from them! And those people walking in the front are wading through floodwater and garbage. Yet everyone is either oblivious or blasé about all these extreme conditions which result from climate chaos. So it is only natural that the young boy, who embodies future generations, clinging by his fingertips, asks, “REALLY?”


Detail: Really?


Detail: Really?


Detail: Really?



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